Sometimes I get so wrapped up in reading everyone else's blogs that I use all my free time doing that and don't have time to write - and then when I have time, it seems to be all random.
Sean has learned what Eye Brow's are - but he calls then Eye Browns.
When you go to a restaurant to order something to eat, Sean wants hamburger nuggets.
Sean got the flu mist this week. He did great with it - at the office. But I have a sneaking suspicion that is why he was up until 2 AM on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Whenever he gets any sort of vaccine we normally have a night or two of sleeplessness. Around midnight that night Sean informs me that he wants a kitty. This isn't the first or last time he's said it, but it seemed random in between me telling him to close his eyes, lay down, etc.. that he wanted a kitty. I reminded him that he was scared of them and he said he was not afraid anymore. Yeah right - he saw the neighbors cat Friday night and screamed so loud that I could hear him 2 houses away!
I went to see Brian on Monday night after work, then I was off on Friday and went down there and spent a few hours with him at the hospital in TR. He is doing so much better. He had even figured out a way to talk a little bit. Sean calls Brian "Muncle Brian" and colored a picture last night to go in the card I bought him.
Friday morning Sean slept until we woke him up at 9:30. 9:30 is normally the cut off time for taking kids to daycare, but I had called his teacher and she told me that as long as he was there by 10:30 that it was fine. He didn't want to go to daycare that day - until I told him he was having a party that day. When I took him in, I sat down with him for a little bit like I normally do, and I was surrounded by 2 year olds all talking at once!
When I got back to NC Friday afternoon from seeing Brian, we picked Sean up and went to the mall to do early voting. Voting with a 2 year old wasn't easy, but I felt it was important to put my vote in for McCain, and Friday worked out better for me than missing time at work on Tuesday.
After voting we came home and got ready for Halloween. Scott had pitched a fit several times over the past month wanting a costume. I can't justify spending the money on that for someone who never really leaves the house. So, he dug through the closet and found the Zorro outfit I bought him last year.
We got Sean ready and we headed to Halloween Hoopla at Biltmore Baptist. It was huge with tons of people!!

There were lots of games to play to earn candy. They had free
snow cones for everyone! And they had inflatables! Sean's favorite is the inflatables. He loves to bounce!!! He liked the games
ok, but he kinda cheated at some of them - although I'm sure he didn't realize he was cheating.... I hope. We only stayed an hour or so and he was ready to go home.
Saturday morning we watched some TV and then we headed out to shop. We went to Target to buy leftover Halloween candy. I bought some to freeze to keep for Christmas. Then we went to Toys R Us. Sean has been saying that he wants a purple guitar for Christmas. Now, I don't know if you've ever looked for a purple children's guitar for a little boy, but I don't think they exist! So, we ended up with a sponge bob guitar. Scott is going to re-string it so that it can be a lefty guitar.
Saturday afternoon we took Sean to the Sky Top Apple Orchid in Flat Rock. I never knew it existed, but I read about it in my old friend Tracey's blog. My friend Tracey who was 5 minutes from my office on Tuesday and didn't call me. But I still love ya!! Anyway, back to the Apple Orchid - It was a really cool place. We opted not to pick our own apples. We just wanted to play. There were play areas for Sean with swing sets, and play houses - one even shaped like an apple! Then there was a pumpkin house that was a slide. Fun stuff. Then we went on a hayride so that we could see all around the orchid. After that we bought two half pecks of apples and headed home. It was a good afternoon and I think Sean had fun. When we were paying for our apples, Sean was eating one and the guy asked if he picked it himself - he said yes. I laughed and told him - yep, right out of my bag! I am glad that we put a pull-up on Sean for the trip - the only potties they had there were portable ones and I can't imagine taking him into one, no matter how clean or well maintained they are.
Last night the church around the corner was having a BBQ. It was over-priced and the oddest experience I've ever had at a church. The guy that took our money was nice enough. The guy spooning out the food was ok, but acted like I was nuts when I asked for a plate for Sean (I had paid $5 for a kids plate!!). And then they were taking $2 donations if you wanted a beer to drink. Now, I'm not opposed to people having a drink now and then, but having beer in the house of God just seemed...wrong! Guess I'm just a little too Baptist!!
We also took Sean to the park last night. We had fun until Sean was done swinging and Scott wanted to swing for a minute. We told Sean to stand to the side and he did - at first, then he ran behind Scott - and so when Scott came back he accidentally hit Sean. Sean had sand everywhere - mouth, nose, etc.... His lip was busted, but otherwise seemed ok. He is a little bruised this morning, but nothing like I expected, thankfully!! I'm very glad he wasn't badly hurt.
They opened a new super Wal-mart near us this week. It is great to have one close by so I don't have to drive to Hendersonville anymore. On Wednesday night we decided to go check out the new store, and we bought Sean a dinosaur that he wanted. It was cute in the store, but when got it home and Sean figured out that it walks, it wasn't fun anymore. He's finally to the point where he'll press the button and run jump on the couch while it walks. Too funny.
Ok, I think that is caught up enough!! If you want to see pics of Halloween Hoopla or the Apple Orchid, check out my facebook photo albums: