Saturday, October 4, 2008

I not your girlfriend...

Ok, to start off...I'm one of "those" mommies. I believe in soap. Not just for bath time. For cleaning little mouths that dirty words come out of. So far the only bad word that Sean has gotten soap for is Shut-Up.
Last night when we were getting ready for bed I was in Sean's room with him playing. While we were in there, we heard scratching at the door. We opened the door, and noone was there was nothing there. We closed it back, and then the scratching started again. Sean started getting a little scared. We opened the door again...still nothing. Then once again, it started back. When mommy opened the door again (sean was already scared and not about to open it on his own), daddy jumped out to scare us.
I ended up leaving the room to take a shower because I was coughing and wanted to see if the hot water would help. After my shower, I scrated on the door. No one came to open it. I scratched again. Still noone. So, I opened the door and roared. Sean screamed and laughed.
Scareing your two year old isn't very nice. Neither does it make it easy for them to go to sleep.
So, we talked to him a good bit about the monsters on sesame street being the only monsters that there are, and as long as he isn't a cookie, he has nothing to worry about.
Fast forward 10 minutes -
Scott and I are laying in our room talking because we're not really expecting Sean to stay in bed long. Sean appears at our door with his pillow and skeeti (spaghetti head - his stuffed doggie). So, I let him climb in with us for a bit. Scott went downstairs. Sean and I are laying there talking, and apparently skeeti was acting up. Sean told me that skeeti said a bad word and needed soap, then he spanked him AND put him in time out. He told skeeti "I not your girlfriend" Then he picked up my stuffed bear (yes, I know..I'm 34 and still have a stuffed animal), and he said that Buttons had said a bad word and needed soap. I wonder what word they said???
Sean ended up dozing off in our bed, then woke up when we moved him to his room. I had to "sit chair" for a while, and when I left he got up and banged on the door. Scott went up there and talked to him and got him to lay down.
It looks like we all have a cold, cough, or something. Yeah for us!!
We took Sean to the park last night. He had a good time running around. The little park we went to is next to the Methodist church in town...which just happened to start their pumpkin sale yesterday. So, we went over and checked out all the pumpkin's after the park. They had lots and lots of pumpkins. We found a HUGE one for us, but we gotta wait a while to put it out because last year the squirrls ate it. We let Sean pick one out and he close the littlest one there was. It is tiny. TINY!! But it's all his!
It's getting to be much cooler weather these days. It's nice!
There's still a bit of a gas shortage around here. Ingles had gas yesterday, so I stopped in on my way to work - not because I was almost out of gas- but because I was almost out of money and decided that maybe I should get gas while I still had some left before next payday!
I think my boys are home from going to Ingles to get muffins for breakfast!