Friday, September 26, 2008

Green Beans and Molassas

We went to eat tonight at the Moose Cafe. Wanna know a secret? I went there last night with my friends Joe and Jenny too!
The Moose is wonderful!
Sean was being a little bit of a stinkerpot at dinner. When he finally got around to eating HIS food, he was also asking what was on the table, and that he wanted it.... so I had to put some molassas on his plate - guessed it - he started dipping his green beans in it and eating them. Then he was eating some of my fries -and he wanted ketchup- then he started dipping his green beans in ketchup. Whatever it takes to get him to eat it, right?
Last night when we had gone to Ingles and we got a pack of little pumpkins. Sean's been playing with one since then - the rest were on the kitchen table - just a little bit ago he started getting them off the table and putting them on the bottom step, he was so proud of himself too.
After the pumpkin incident, Sean got his stool out of the kitchen (which is supposed to stay in the bathroom to help him reach the potty and the sink - but ya know how that goes....). He put it on his head and was walking through the living room singing happy birthday. (but to who??)

Yesterday was the first day that it was cool, so Sean wore his spiderman jacket to daycare. He was SOOOOOOO excited!!!
It's raining today, so he wore the awesome raincoat that i bought him at the thrift sale last weekend!

Sean was just tickling Scott and he said "i love you" - that's the first time he's told someone that without being told first. Very sweet!!!

Sean's been a stinker about going to bed lately.

Gas is still short.

My cough is finally getting better. I've been sneezy the past two days, but that's ok.

I LOVED going to dinner with Joe and Jenny last night. It was so much fun!!! Scott kept Sean and took him to the park to play while I was gone.

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