Saturday, September 13, 2008


I hate viral illnesses. I hate even more paying a doctor money to tell you that an illness is viral.
I've had a horrible cough for over a week now - it's a deep chest sounding cough that sounds like bronchitis or pneumonia - only it dosen't feel like it's in my lungs. So, I paid a doc $50 the other day to tell me that it' s viral and gave me cough pills and couch syrup.

Sean has a My Size Batman that is almost as tall as he is. For a long time he was terrified of it, but now he loves it. Two nights ago Sean gave batman a spanking and put him in timeout. It was too cute! I'm not sure what the offense was, but it must have been bad to get both a spanking and timeout!
He also had a brush and was brushing batman's hair. Kinda funny since Batman has a platic head and no visable hair.

When we got to daycare on Thursday to pick Sean up, he was on the far end of the playground, climbing the fence. It freaked me out. (Meanwhile the teacher was sitting on her butt not doing a thing about it...) Scott talked to him about it, and on the way home Sean told me that he didn't want a spanking for it. I explained to him that he wouldn't get one unless he did it again. The next morning when we got to daycare, as I was getting Sean out of the car he told me that he wasn't gonna climb the fence.

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