Sunday, September 28, 2008

Moose Breakfast, Corn Maze and Sean

I woke up close to 8 this morning and Sean wasn't making a peep. I was surprised, so I went ahead and took my shower. When I got done, I opened his door and he was laying in the floor watching scooby doo. We played in his room for a while. Finally close to 9 we headed downstairs. We ate a light breakfast and played for a while. He was a stinkerpot when it came time to get dressed and when it was time to get in the car. We met Joe at the Moose Cafe for breakfast at 10:30. As soon as we walked in, Sean saw the huge moose and called it a horsey!
Sean was in a MOOD at the resturant. He was being difficult.
After brunch, we went to the farmers market next door and walked around. Sean's mood was a little better, but not much. He wanted to touch everything. At one point he picked up an apple and almost took a bite before I could get it away.
We went to Joe's house and hung out for a little while. Sean and Joe had fun playing - well, I know that Sean did - I hope Joe did. Sean was running around, hiding in the closet, riding his deigo trike, etc... Sean opened Joe's refridgerator, grabbed a stick of butter and ran into his bedroom and into the closet!
We came home and I finally got Sean to take a nap.
After his nap, we decided to go to the corn maze that's about 30 min away. None of us have ever been to a corn maze. Scott and I had been to a mazed at a beach a few years ago, but it wasn't corn. So, we went through the first part of the maze fairly easily. When we got to phase 2, it got pretty frustrating. We kept going in circles. We were hot, sweaty, itchy, etc... Sean was getting tired and although Scott tried to carry him on his shoulders, and his arms, Sean just really wanted me. So, I carried him while I could, and then held his hand part of the time. We were finally frustrated enough and ended up sitting down to let Sean rest. After that we went in circles a little longer, found our way to a familar spot, cut through the corn, and found our way out. I think it'll be a long while before we visit again.
I'm tired, broke, and dreading waking up early tomorrow for work, but had a good weekend!!!

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