Saturday, September 13, 2008


Is it bad that I want some things to be just mine?
It seems to be an on going battle. I shouldn't have to tell another adult to leave MY stuff alone, right? Not to touch it, borrow it, steal it, etc..., right?
The latest of this battle is two-fold.
Not too long ago I bought 2 printers from Sam's. One for Scott and one for me. Scott has been using his, but I haven't needed to print anything so I didn't set mine up yet. So, today I find out that Scott used up all of his printer cartridge and then helped himself to mine. WTF??? Why was that ok? Without even asking?
Then this afternoon, Scott came downstairs and said he had a confession to make. Oh my, those are usually doozies - Apparently he had been upstairs and for some reason decided to take two big swigs of MY cough syrup. My PERSCRIPTION cough syrup. And the only reason he told me? Because he started to feel bad physically afterward and was afraid it was mixing incorrectly with the tons of addreall he's eaten in the past 4 days (that he's stayed awake and not slept during).
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I should have locked my cough syrup in the safe. The safe that I had to buy to keep him away from my other medicines because he thinks if I have something that it is his as well!
Anyone wonder why I wish I was an ex-wife?

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