Day before yesterday (tuesday), when I picked Sean up from daycare, one of the teachers told me to start sending him in underwear and she'd work with him on using the potty.
So, yesterday was the big day - He wore Elmo on his hiney and he had two accidents all day. Not bad for the first day.
Today he wore Elmo on his hiney again, and he used the potty all day very well. When we picked him up today he was getting his clothes changed for the first time because he was a little bit wet - and the teacher told me that she'd gotten tied up on the phone with another parent and so he had to wait a little longer to go potty, hence the reason he had the accident. Very cool. My goal is potty trained by 3.
Tonight we took Sean to the park for a little bit, but there were lots of bugs there - don't know what was up with that, but we didn't stay too long because of that. When we got home I was working on supper and Sean went into the bathroom. He called for Mommy because he couldn't get the door open, so I opened it and let him out. A few minutes later he went back in there and locked the door. He started calling for me again - and then we realized it was locked. I was trying to talk him through unlocking the door and Scott was looking for a screwdriver and trying to decide if we should bust through the door instead of looking. Sean finally listened and was able to unlock the door. Whew!
I gotta get my BP med filled soon ... I've missed 2 days and now my head hurts.
Gas is starting to get more plentiful around here. Still scarce at times, but no long lines when it's available.
6 years ago