Sean is carrying around his imaginary dinasour this morning, bringing it over from time to time to let me pet it or kiss it. He even let me hold it for a few minutes.
He also announced this morning that he does not have a winkie - he has a tail. I'm glad he cleared that one up for us.
This has been a busy week. Brian has been in the hosptial for a little over a week and a half, and he had surgery on Tuesday, so I took the day off to spend the day at the hosptial with him and Donna. The surgery went well and he seems to be improving since then. They moved him to a new hospital yesterday. I really appreciate all the thoughts and prayers for my brother this week.
We stayed in Greenville last weekend so that I could visit with him. We also took Sean to Boo in the Zoo. Sean is batman this year, an although he was hesistant to keep his costume on, once we got there and he started figuring out what that it was all about - he became batman on a mission. At the first station - when he said trick or treat and they put a reeses cup in his bag - he was in heaven! He wanted it out to eat right then. When I told him that he had to wait so he could get more - he started speend walking - bag open - through the zoo. He did great. Towards the end he tried to take his costume off. I let him shed the mask, but he had to keep the rest on - he didn't have any pants on underneath :).
Work has been busy this week, but good. I'm glad not to be on-call this weekend though :)
We're taking Sean to another Halloween event this afternoon at the little park nearby. I hope he'll do good there.
I've thought of a million things to blog about lately but not have the time to, and now I can't remember what all I was going to say.... that's how life goes, right?
6 years ago