Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cooking with Sean

Sean and I made rice crispie treats today. We had a lot of fun and he was a big help!

The Mommy Stick

**warning - graphic female information included in this post***

About a week or so ago, Sean came into the bathroom while I was using it and opened the cabinet, got a tampon out, and asked me if I needed it. I told him that was a mommy thing and I didn't need it. He said that it is a stick. I told him him again that it was a mommy thing and he asked if I needed my stick. I told him no and he handed it to me.
He stood there looking at me, waiting for me to do something with it. I then asked him to give me a few minutes privacy, which actually bought me about 5 seconds - which was long enough to hide it under a towel.

Yesterday I was in the bathroom again and he came in, opened the cabinet, and said here's your mommy stick....once I finished laughing i just took it from him and laid it on the counter....


is a new word is Sean's vocabulary.
I thought he said it yesterday morning, but I wasn't sure. As the day went on, he said it a couple more times. So...out came the SOAP!
We went to the halloween carnival at Kate's park yesterday. They had games that the kids could play and win toys or candy. They had a little train that Sean enjoyed riding on. They also had an inflatable for the kids to bounce on. Sean had lots of fun and was wore out by the end of the carnival.
We went to the pet store yesterday to look around and see what Sean tought of the animals. He has so far been pretty steady in his fear of animals, but he talks about wanting a kitty, so we thought we'd go looking around. We found a kitty that we thought was cute, and we asked if we could hold him.... so, I sat down, Sean in my lap, and the lady handed me the kitty. It took about 2 seconds for Sean to start backing away. Not ready yet. Maybe someday.
I'm planning to go see Brian at the new hospital today...just waiting on Scott to get up to keep Sean for me.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The imaginary dinasour

Sean is carrying around his imaginary dinasour this morning, bringing it over from time to time to let me pet it or kiss it. He even let me hold it for a few minutes.
He also announced this morning that he does not have a winkie - he has a tail. I'm glad he cleared that one up for us.
This has been a busy week. Brian has been in the hosptial for a little over a week and a half, and he had surgery on Tuesday, so I took the day off to spend the day at the hosptial with him and Donna. The surgery went well and he seems to be improving since then. They moved him to a new hospital yesterday. I really appreciate all the thoughts and prayers for my brother this week.
We stayed in Greenville last weekend so that I could visit with him. We also took Sean to Boo in the Zoo. Sean is batman this year, an although he was hesistant to keep his costume on, once we got there and he started figuring out what that it was all about - he became batman on a mission. At the first station - when he said trick or treat and they put a reeses cup in his bag - he was in heaven! He wanted it out to eat right then. When I told him that he had to wait so he could get more - he started speend walking - bag open - through the zoo. He did great. Towards the end he tried to take his costume off. I let him shed the mask, but he had to keep the rest on - he didn't have any pants on underneath :).
Work has been busy this week, but good. I'm glad not to be on-call this weekend though :)
We're taking Sean to another Halloween event this afternoon at the little park nearby. I hope he'll do good there.
I've thought of a million things to blog about lately but not have the time to, and now I can't remember what all I was going to say.... that's how life goes, right?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Locks, Potties, and Elmo, oh my!!

Day before yesterday (tuesday), when I picked Sean up from daycare, one of the teachers told me to start sending him in underwear and she'd work with him on using the potty.
So, yesterday was the big day - He wore Elmo on his hiney and he had two accidents all day. Not bad for the first day.
Today he wore Elmo on his hiney again, and he used the potty all day very well. When we picked him up today he was getting his clothes changed for the first time because he was a little bit wet - and the teacher told me that she'd gotten tied up on the phone with another parent and so he had to wait a little longer to go potty, hence the reason he had the accident. Very cool. My goal is potty trained by 3.
Tonight we took Sean to the park for a little bit, but there were lots of bugs there - don't know what was up with that, but we didn't stay too long because of that. When we got home I was working on supper and Sean went into the bathroom. He called for Mommy because he couldn't get the door open, so I opened it and let him out. A few minutes later he went back in there and locked the door. He started calling for me again - and then we realized it was locked. I was trying to talk him through unlocking the door and Scott was looking for a screwdriver and trying to decide if we should bust through the door instead of looking. Sean finally listened and was able to unlock the door. Whew!
I gotta get my BP med filled soon ... I've missed 2 days and now my head hurts.
Gas is starting to get more plentiful around here. Still scarce at times, but no long lines when it's available.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

HOHOHO Happy 'Tober

Isn't fall the most wonderful time of the year??? The weather is cool...The air smells "fallish"
It's a great time!
Halloween is coming soon. We had Sean try on an ELMO outfit last night. It was so cute...but... he didn't want it. I'm itching to go back and buy it...

So, Santa did some shopping last night. Santa had a 10% off coupon that was going to expire soon, so Santa decided to stock up and bought lots of cool stuff :)

We took Sean to the park last night. We started at the community park, but there were TOO many people, and too many big kids that weren't watching what they were doing. So, we left and went to the small park near our house. MUCH better! Sean swang for a LONG time. He is finally big enough to sit in the big boy swings and hold on tight :). He also loves to slide and to roll down the grassy hill.

Let's Think...

Sean was telling me all the people he loves this morning....
I love mommy bunches
I love daddy bunches
I love Maverick bunches
I love Ta-Ta bunches
then he but his finger on his lip..tapped once...and said "let's think"
I love Rica
I love Meca
"let's think" again....
I love Landon
"let's think" again...
I love Katrina

Then he informed me that Katrina is now his girfriend...not Ta-ta or Maddie.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I not your girlfriend...

Ok, to start off...I'm one of "those" mommies. I believe in soap. Not just for bath time. For cleaning little mouths that dirty words come out of. So far the only bad word that Sean has gotten soap for is Shut-Up.
Last night when we were getting ready for bed I was in Sean's room with him playing. While we were in there, we heard scratching at the door. We opened the door, and noone was there was nothing there. We closed it back, and then the scratching started again. Sean started getting a little scared. We opened the door again...still nothing. Then once again, it started back. When mommy opened the door again (sean was already scared and not about to open it on his own), daddy jumped out to scare us.
I ended up leaving the room to take a shower because I was coughing and wanted to see if the hot water would help. After my shower, I scrated on the door. No one came to open it. I scratched again. Still noone. So, I opened the door and roared. Sean screamed and laughed.
Scareing your two year old isn't very nice. Neither does it make it easy for them to go to sleep.
So, we talked to him a good bit about the monsters on sesame street being the only monsters that there are, and as long as he isn't a cookie, he has nothing to worry about.
Fast forward 10 minutes -
Scott and I are laying in our room talking because we're not really expecting Sean to stay in bed long. Sean appears at our door with his pillow and skeeti (spaghetti head - his stuffed doggie). So, I let him climb in with us for a bit. Scott went downstairs. Sean and I are laying there talking, and apparently skeeti was acting up. Sean told me that skeeti said a bad word and needed soap, then he spanked him AND put him in time out. He told skeeti "I not your girlfriend" Then he picked up my stuffed bear (yes, I know..I'm 34 and still have a stuffed animal), and he said that Buttons had said a bad word and needed soap. I wonder what word they said???
Sean ended up dozing off in our bed, then woke up when we moved him to his room. I had to "sit chair" for a while, and when I left he got up and banged on the door. Scott went up there and talked to him and got him to lay down.
It looks like we all have a cold, cough, or something. Yeah for us!!
We took Sean to the park last night. He had a good time running around. The little park we went to is next to the Methodist church in town...which just happened to start their pumpkin sale yesterday. So, we went over and checked out all the pumpkin's after the park. They had lots and lots of pumpkins. We found a HUGE one for us, but we gotta wait a while to put it out because last year the squirrls ate it. We let Sean pick one out and he close the littlest one there was. It is tiny. TINY!! But it's all his!
It's getting to be much cooler weather these days. It's nice!
There's still a bit of a gas shortage around here. Ingles had gas yesterday, so I stopped in on my way to work - not because I was almost out of gas- but because I was almost out of money and decided that maybe I should get gas while I still had some left before next payday!
I think my boys are home from going to Ingles to get muffins for breakfast!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Bad Lion

We were in the living room tonight and Sean was sitting in his comfy lion chair, then the next thing I know he is telling he that the lion is mean and that he spanked it. I asked if it was ok now, and he said no and spanked it again. Then Scott came in the room and Sean told him that the lion was mean. Scott asked what the lion did to him and Sean said the lion hit him. I lost it. I was trying not to laugh, but I had a vivid mental picture of this lion chair hitting Sean.
I think he's forgiven the lion now.

When we got to daycare tonight Sean was crying because Maverick had hit his hand. Before we left for the day Maverick gave Sean a hug.

I got to talk to my brother today for the first time in a while today. He seemed to be doing ok.

We took Sean to the park tonight. It was cold and he was whiney, so we didn't stay long.

This morning at 3 am I heard Mommy. Mommy. Mooooommmmmmyyyyy.
I went in there and Sean was standing in front of his tv, pushing buttons on the remote, trying to get Scooby Doo to come back on. I got it playing again, and told him I was going to bed, which caused him to cry. So, I told him that I was going to bed, I'd leave his door open and he could come get me if he needed me, or come get in my bed if he needed to. 20 minutes later he was in between us, sound asleep, rooting me to the very edge of the bed. But ya know what?? I love him no matter how tired I am :)

Sean and I went to dinner with Blake and Jenny last night. We ate at the Moose. The food and the company were great, but the service sucked. Oh well, at the least it was great otherwise.